Welcome to the Getting Starting article tailored specifically to the Kucoin or Kucoin Sandbox exchanges. In the article below, you will find the steps required to generate the API Keys in Kucoin before then adding it to your Autoview Console.
Granting permission and enabling the Gemini Exchange in Autoview
- Click on the Autoview Extension and go to .
- Click on Permissions on the Left Navigation Bar.
- Grant access to the Kucoin Exchange options.
- Now click on Kucoin (beta) under Exchanges at the left side of the page to open the Kucoin settings and move onto the next step. We will return here once we've generated the API Key and API Secret in Kucoin
Generating the API Key and API Secret in the Kucoin exchange
1. Log into your account at https://www.kucoin.com/, Hover over your account Icon in the upper right part of site, and select "API Management".
2. Click on "Create API".
Note: API Passphrase is created by you and will be needed for the final step.
3. Now make sure to copy/save the API & Secret keys in a safe place:
If you need to delete the key for some reason, click on "Delete", then confirm the action by pressing "Confirm".
4. Head back to the Kucoin page under the Exchange tab in Autoview click Add account at the top right side of the page and Copy all the info into the appropriate fields.
(Your Passphrase will be the one you set while you were creating the API key in Kucoin)
Click Add Account when you're finished and you should see Credentials Successfully tested to confirm its working
IMORTANT: If you are getting errors when pasting your keys into autoview, please insure you are inputting the correct keys into the appropriate kucoin exchange (Example: if you are getting API keys for Kucoin Futures sandbox double check that you are inputting the keys into the Kucoin futures sandbox page in the autoview extension settings page
If you would like to now perform your first Test Alert, please refer to the knowledge article titled Testing and Debugging Guide and follow the steps provided.
As well Autoview Basics: Parameter & Command Examples Overview for a basic overview on how you can set up some basic strategies.
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