This article will help you understand basic aspects of the Autoview interface.
Install Autoview Extension
After Autoview is successfully added to Chrome, a notification will pop-up telling you to Sign in to your Google account. See below:
Google Chrome Account Connection
If you successfully signed in your Google account into Chrome, your Autoview Interface should look like this now:
TradingView Connection
After getting your Google Chrome account enabled on Autoview, go to TradingView and log in to your account here: Log In
After successful login, you should see the label "Enabled" next to TradingView on your Autoview Interface:
If you have a TradingView account connected but its window is not open at the moment. You should see the label "Background" next to TradingView like image above below:
Exchange Labels
Now you have your Google Chrome and TradingView accounts connected to Autoview. Next step is connecting your API to Autoview.
Understanding the Labels:
Blocked - Permission revoked and/or no subscription:
Before setting anything up, all exchanges will show the "Blocked" label. You need to go on Autoview settings and grant permission to each exchange on the "Permissions" tab.
Inactive - No subscription (Granted permissions):
If you granted permission to an exchange, but still have no active subscription. Go to "Subscription" tab on settings and activate your subscription.
Guest - No API credentials (Active subscription, Granted permissions):
You should see the label "Guest" next to the exchange name (see below) if you have an active Autoview subscription and already granted permission to the exchange but didn't add your API Keys on the left sidebar exchange options.
Connected - At least 1 API credential, Active subscription, Granted permissions:
If everything is alright and you properly connected an exchange to use with Autoview, you should see the label "Connected" next to it.
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