Log in to your gate.io account.
Click on your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page and select "API Management" from the dropdown menu.
Click on the "Create New Key" button.
Choose a name for your API key (e.g. "Autoview").
Under "IP Restriction", select "Disable" if you want to be able to use the API key from any IP address, or "Enable" if you want to restrict the API key to a specific IP address.
Under "API Permissions", select "Enable Trading" and "Enable Withdrawals" if you want to be able to trade and withdraw funds using the API key. If you only want to use the API key for viewing your account information, select "Enable Reading".
Click on the "Create" button.
You will be redirected to a page that displays your newly created API key and secret key. Save these keys in a secure place, as you will not be able to see the secret key again once you leave the page.
Copy the API key and secret key and paste them into the appropriate fields in the Autoview API page.
You should now be able to use your gate.io API key with Autoview!
Head on over to our Gate.io: Commands & Parameter's page to help get a jump start on basic trade examples.
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