// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © CryptoRox //@version=4 strategy("Bitget - Strategy Alerts", "Bitget", overlay=true, pyramiding=1, precision=2) market = input(title="Market Type", defval="Contracts - Simulation", options=["Exchange", "Contracts - Real Trading", "Contracts - Simulation"]) testStartYear = input(200 , "Start Year") testStartMonth = input(6, "Start Month") testStartDay = input(20, "Start Day") testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0) testPeriod() => time >= testPeriodStart ? true : false ticker = syminfo.ticker sma1Input = input(50, "SMA") sma2Input = input(200, "SMA") src = close sma1 = sma(src, sma1Input) sma2 = sma(src, sma2Input) profit = 0.0 loss = 0.0 tp = input(0.1, "Take Profit %")/100 sl = input(0.1, "Stop Loss %")/100 avg = strategy.position_avg_price size = strategy.position_size contracts = strategy.equity / 100 // strategy.cancel_all() longCondition = crossover(sma1, sma2) shortCondition = crossunder(sma1, sma2) if testPeriod() if market == "Exchange" if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Buy", 1, alert_message='Exchange | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=sell c=order | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=buy q=0.0001 p=-10%') if (shortCondition) size := size * -1 strategy.entry("Sell", 0, alert_message='Exchange | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=buy c=order | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=sell q=0.0001 p=10%') if size > 0 profit := avg+avg * tp loss := avg-avg * sl strategy.exit("Buy Exit", "Buy", limit=profit, stop=loss, alert_message='Exchange | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=buy c=order | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=sell q=0.0001 t=market') if size < 0 profit := avg-avg * tp loss := avg+avg * sl strategy.exit("Sell Exit", "Sell", limit=profit, stop=loss, alert_message='Exchange | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=sell c=order | e=bitget s=btc_usdt b=buy q=0.0001 t=market') if market == "Contracts - Real Trading" if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Long", 1, alert_message='Real Trading | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=short c=order | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=short c=position t=market | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=long q=1 t=market') if (shortCondition) size := size * -1 strategy.entry("Short", 0, alert_message='Real Trading | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=long c=order | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=long c=position t=market | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=short q=1 t=market') if size > 0 profit := avg+avg * tp loss := avg-avg * sl strategy.exit("Long Exit", "Long", limit=profit, stop=loss, alert_message='Real Trading | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=long c=position ps=position ftp=' + tostring(profit) + ' | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=long c=position ps=position fsl=' + tostring(loss)) if size < 0 profit := avg-avg * tp loss := avg+avg * sl strategy.exit("Short Exit", "Short", limit=profit, stop=loss, alert_message='Real Trading | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=short c=position ps=position ftp=' + tostring(profit) + ' | e=bitget s=cmt_btcusdt b=short c=position ps=position fsl=' + tostring(loss)) if market == "Contracts - Simulation" if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Long", 1, alert_message='Simulated Trading | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=short c=order | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=short c=position t=market | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=long q=100 t=market') if (shortCondition) size := size * -1 strategy.entry("Short", 0, alert_message='Simulated Trading | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=long c=order | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=long c=position t=market | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=short q=100 t=market') if size > 0 profit := avg+avg * tp loss := avg-avg * sl strategy.exit("Long Exit", "Long", limit=profit, stop=loss, alert_message='Simulated Trading | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=long c=position ps=position ftp=' + tostring(profit) + ' | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=long c=position ps=position fsl=' + tostring(loss)) if size < 0 profit := avg-avg * tp loss := avg+avg * sl strategy.exit("Short Exit", "Short", limit=profit, stop=loss, alert_message='Simulated Trading | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=short c=position ps=position ftp=' + tostring(profit) + ' | e=bitget s=sbtcusd b=short c=position ps=position fsl=' + tostring(loss)) //Put this in your alert message: {{strategy.order.alert_message}}
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